Thursday, September 25, 2008


Okay so I have been contemplating which word to use. I have tons and tons and tons well you get the picture. I know she said one this week but of course I can not remember it (I have short term memory Crisco knows). Anyways, so I have picked one. So to start out the Crisco's Word O' The Day is

Satisfication (aka Satisfaction)- So Crisco and I were driving our pimped out 1970's toyota van, you know the kind where your sitting on the engine, yeah we were cool. Oh High School Days. Anyways, were driving and she was telling me the her friend Chrissie and Purple(aka Violetta, we can't say her name right so we call her purple and she is awesome :~) went tanning. Now I was a little curious as to why because they both have beautiful skin (unlike me), Chrissie is Native American and Purple is Hispanic, so I didn't think they needed to tan. I voiced my opinion and Crisco goes, "Well I guess it's for there own Satisfication." I told her that was not the word and she claimed it was and if it wasn't the right word to let her know what it actually was. Well because she said Satisfication it took me until we got home and we argued about it the whole way. So then I get home and say Crisco it is not Satisfication it is Satisfaction. Then she goes, "Oh yeah" and giggles. It's pretty funny so now you know what that word means if she ever uses it. Or if you feel the need you could use the word as well, who knows you might trick someone :)


Tony and Shani said...

I love it! I can totally see Crisco being so intent that she was right! I will never forget when she said condom for condo. That was so funny! I miss hearing all of "Crisco's Words!"

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