Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Singleness and All Its Glory

I know it is horrible, horrible to be single and even worse that I am alright with it. I mean what is the world coming to but I just wanted to share with you my thoughts as to why it is all right especially because I listen to my married friends and think man I have it easy lol. There are many so be ready.

1. I don't have to tell anyone where I am going (cept Crisco and I usually ignore her ha ha)

2. I don't have to worry about grocery shopping for anyone but me, I can buy what I like :~)

3. I don't have to share my covers and no one steals my blanket

4. I worry about my own finances and no one elses and I can spend my money on frivolous things (Like Shoes and no you can never have enough) with no worry.

5. I don't have to worry about someone elses bills, just mine and the only person I can blame is me if something goes wrong.

6. I don't have to worry about someone stealing my tv all the time to watch Football or other various sports, stupid movies, or have to endure the meaningless hours spent on say the Xbox or Playstation, take your pick. I can watch Lifetime movie network all day long if I want(Yes I do that) because I control the remote.

7. The toliet seat lid is always down, I never have to worry about falling in.

8. I don't have to worry about comments like "That's what she said..." unless my brothers are around.

9. Men are just gross, I don't have to worry about hair shavings in my sink (by the way men clean it up yucky) or dirty socks on my living room floor, or dirt and grime being tracked in from who knows where. Unless my brothers are around man they are a pain

10. I don't have to hide certain things like Tampons or underwear or bras. I don't really care about my brothers seeing them they can deal with it I have to deal with there uckiness.

11. I don't have to worry about where I am spending the holidays I always spend them with my family.

12. Another thing I never have to deal with in-laws good or bad ever.

13. I don't have to worry about whether it's all right to have onions on my burger because there is no one to complain

14. I can hang out as much as I want with my girlfriends and not worry about someone being hurt because I don't spend that time with him.

15. I can travel if I want to someplace I want to go and see the things I want (man I sound selfish)

16. I can decorate how I want I don't have to worry about antlers or dead animal objects or the color blue in everything. I can have bright red couches and flowers and cutsey things all over my house and no one can complain.

17. I can stay up late and read a book that I just can't put down and not bother a soul.

18. You don't have to shave your legs if you don't want need I say more

19. I can listen to the music I want to.

20. I don't have to share closet space :~)

21. I can pick my friends and don't have to hang out with people I think are weird just to be nice

22. I can leave my house on time with no one yelling at me to hurry up and I don't have to wait for someone to get ready or be done with a show

23. I know who I am and have time to work on myself

24. I can be a workaholic and pick my hobbies. I don't have to share hobbies with someone else

25. I get a break now I am older than twenty-five for being a single girl on my Car Insurance

26. I can say what I want and not worry about whether it was appropriate or whether I hurt his feelings

27. I can pick whether I want to be hot or cold and never have to worry about a boy telling me its too hot or cold

28. I never have to worry about fighting, I just listen to my married friends and my two brothers talk about there fights and it makes me happy I don't have to fight with anyone

29. I can flirt as much as I want (although I find it pretty annoying) and I can wear what I want without someone telling me its ugly(cept Crisco and again I just ignore her. Oh by the Way sister a guy at Church told me my Teal Peep toe shoes were Awesome just so you know not just cool Awesome so there. )

30. And last but not least Unbroken: Unbroken, a word found in the dictionary under the word single . Single means, unbroken. Unbroken means, not broken. And we all know how the saying goes, "If it's not broken, don't try to fix it." ( I found this off a website and had to share it)

So there you go there are many many many more but these should do for now. So to all my married friends good luck on being married and don't be too jealous because you picked him and now your stuck with him and that is so not my fault. I am just wiser for not falling into the Happily Ever After Trap :~) To all my single friends party on and you should print this and post this on your wall so you don't fall into that trap boys are tricky.....


Mystic Memories said...

Hey Charlotte & Crystale!
Just saw that you were followers on my Photography blog! :) So I thought I'd come stop by and say HI! And thanks for following - makes me happy! :)

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