Saturday, October 18, 2008


Okay so they are not my pets but where I am doing Respite( where I stay in a home for 24 hours upto 3 or 4 days taking care of someone) they have 3 pets. 2 cats and a dog. I don't mind the pets it is the fact that they have to sleep in the same room as me or they will bark or scratch. I think the worst part I hate is the noise of the animals licking and cleaning themselves. Don't get me wrong the do what they gots to do but do they have to do it when I'm trying to get some shut eye. I hate that noise anyway so trying to sleep to it or waking up to it drives me crazy. I have tried to kick them out or throw a pillow when I hear it but it is not getting through their heads. I just had to get that off my sholders. Thanks for reading.
Funny Word- Booger


Anonymous said...

poeple we know and may possibly like, I made the list!!! WHOO HOO! Thanks! You rock! I like you too. :)

Anonymous said...

Booger is indeed a funny word.

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