Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Year of the Zombie Election......

In Honor of Halloween and The Election I thought I would do a political post. Now don't go get your panties in a twist you can vote for whoever you want to, I don't care but if you vote for the wrong person and our country goes to crap don't blame me, so there. Okay so I have been waiting patiently for Josh's pictures to post and I am so excited because they are FABULOUS!!!!!

We will start with Obama now as you may know there has already been an assassination attempt on his life and he is not even president yet. In my opinion that is bad news because well I think Biden is an idiot and if by some chance Obama gets assassinated we will be stuck with the stupidest president ever. Oh here is a quote "When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed," Biden told Couric. "He said, 'Look, here's what happened.'" Okay number one problem with that statement is no one really had TV's in 1929, people listened to the radio, and the second problem is President Hoover was the President not Roosevelt and you would think a politician would know that. HMMMMM....

Even Obama thinks it will happen; slipping up while introducing Joe Biden at their first joint campaign rally, Springfield, Illinois, Aug. 23, 2008 he said "Let me introduce to you the next President -- the next Vice President of the United States of America, Joe Biden." Does that make you feel comfortable? I'm not sure it does me. Well I know one thing for sure is that Mr. Barack Ozombie wouldn't have a problem with the assassinators, he would tear them to shreds and then he would laugh and then he would eat them. So if you are voting for Ozombie who I think is infinitely cooler than the real Obama here is a pin you can wear on you shirt for support..

Would you vote for him?????? Well if you would remember that he said this, "I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." Now you tell me how many states does the US have??? Oh right that would be fifty you think your future president would know the answer to that one huh??? So if you are willing to support a person that doesn't know how many states there are and doesn't place his hand over his heart or say the pledge of allegiance, now I have been getting a lot of crap about this and I think that if you can't respect the flag for what it stands for and honor what our forefathers did to make this country so great than you have no right running the country for which it stands end of story, I mean that flag stands for all the freedoms that he has and uses every day and he can't even place his hand over his heart to honor the blood, the sweat, and the tears that went into making this country so great, phooey on you. Oh sorry I didn't mean to let my opinion slide. Anyways, if your willing to possibly end up with the stupidest president in history if something happens to Obama then this is your ticket.

On the other side we have Mr. McCain and Palin. Now McCain did a good thing picking a woman for his running mate I think that helped him. I mean McCain is old so you know he could die of natural causes and we would get our first Woman President and let me tell you Palin is alot better than Hillary so I would be okay with that. Plus McCain was in the service and he was a prisoner of war in Vietnam so I have to tell you those are all good things and to dispel the other side I thought I would give you some quotes for both McCain and Palin. I like this one from McCain, On the subject of Osama bin Laden... "we will track him down. We will capture him. We will bring him to justice, and I will follow him to the gates of hell." Now I'm not sure that McCain would follow him to the gates of hell but his alter ego Mr. John McZombie would I have posted a picture below for your veiwing pleasure.....

Now that is one scary President that is for sure, he doesn't fool around. If you ask a dumb question well I wont go there but I will let your imagination run wild, haha.

I also think Palin was a good choice she is a mother and governor of Alaska. Her daughter got pregnant at 17 and is now getting married, she has a child with down syndrome, and she lives in a small town. Does that make her the best candidate, well no but what it shows is that she is human and she has her fair share of problems. She also has a good sense of humor. She said, "I was trying to give Tina Fey more material. Job security for Saturday Night Live." When they were talking about her media appearances and her goof ups. She also is very loyal to McCain or is it McZombie???? She said, "There is only one man in this election who has ever really fought for you … in places where winning means survival and defeat means death … and that man is John McCain" and I agree with here. It is a good quote.

Well that raps up my Zombie Election rantings. Now I don't care who you vote for I am not sure you could tell who I would vote for. :~) Well maybe a little, okay okay so I will just tell you I am voting for McZombie, I think I will write him in because that guy don't mess around he will bite your head off if your wrong, literally. He would squash Osama Bin Laden for sure if he were president and that makes me feel safe. So, please vote because if you don't Ozombie and McZombie will be after you and you really can't hide. But seriously research them both and find which one goes with what you believe and vote. I think its not just important but its your duty and I am going to use my rights as a citizen of this great country and Vote on November 4th and you should too :~) and remember to be on the look out for the Presidential Zombie Candidates they might be lurking around the next corner to jump you if you don't vote :~)......


Jamie Sampson Photography said...

cute new blog update. Love the colors and background.

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