Friday, January 9, 2009


I love the holidays mostly because I get to spend time with my fam.... but I also hate the holidays more so because I feel like I am half a person because everyone wants to know who I am dating and when I'm gonna bring a boy home (if I had it my way it would be never they are a pain) like I am not a complete person without a boyfriend/fiance/husband. Let me tell you it sure doesn't help single people to keep reminding them they are single, THEY ALREADY KNOW and don't need a reminder like ever. They can be complete people on their own. I feel like I have a disease and everyone wants to fix it, maybe they are afraid they are going to catch it. Listen Single people do not have a disease and no you can not contract it so quite acting like it is a disease to be single, for reals. Also don't say "Oh but you are so cute I don't know why no one has snatched you up yet" That for sure doesn't help it makes things worse. I know you are trying to be nice and I know you probably believe that but please keep it to yourself and maybe ask how my job is, what I am up to, and if I have any new hobbies (Like knitting lol). That would make your single friends feel like you care about them at least a little right?

Anyways, I will quite rambling about that and move on to why it is great to be single. You don't have to deal with stupid boys ever. They are so frustrating and they don't know what they want and they string you along and you are an idiot for following because you believe that all the good men haven't been taken and you actually have a chance of finding him. WRONG they are all gone it's like parking spots all the good ones are gone and the rest are Handicapped. That is a perfect analogy!!!! Let me tell you I was dating someone (not really serious) for a while and he strung me along and I was stupid. But he continued to call and then he cancels a date for the billionth time to go snowboarding with a friends dad instead of coming to my EMPTY house where I was cooking dinner for him, after dating for about a year and a half. Yeah that should have been my first clue we weren't serious after a year and a half, HELLO ME. Hmmmmmmm what man does that??? I will let you come up with some ideas. Anyways, I say, "well when are we going to reschedule because I am frustrated" and he says well maybe we shouldn't I don't see this as a long term thing. Listen very carefully THEN QUITE CALLING YOU FREAKING JERK!!!!

Okay now I feel better about life and actually I am way way way way way way (you get the point) Happy about it and I think I am done dating for awhile because I can't find the good ones all I get are the inconsiderate jerks, or the handicapped. Its like searching for a needle in a haystack, pure luck! So I am done ranting for awhile sorry if this gets repetative but being single is harder than it looks but I would much rather be single than deal with crap from boys it is sooooooooooooooooooooo not worth it :~) Now if the world would be okay with me being single???

Oh and also I have decided writing helps me deal with all of my feelings of life so I wrote a poem about the above situation and I figure I will share it with my friends maybe it will help you in some way too :~)

Why do people lie
Why do people pretend
Prancing around wearing a mask
Joking, laughing, and playing merrily
Thinking this is all a game
Fooling everyone they see
But remove the masks one by one
Standing in front of you is a
Person that doesn't know themselves
Trying desperately to find something
Hoping you don't see them for what they are
Hiding, cowering in the dark
Afraid of the Light
Stop your Foolish Games and
Be true to what you are
The only one your fooling is yourself
In the end people will see the truth
You will have fooled no one
Then it will be too late to caste of your mask
And let the real you shine
You will be left standing all alone
With a mask dangling from your hands
Wishing, Hoping with all your heart that
You dropped the Facade and embraced the real you!
Charlotte <3


Brittany said...

I love your blog!!!!!! You may be single but this is so cute and clever and you can write!! my blog is
Love ya!

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