Wednesday, April 15, 2009


So I am suppose to be working but I decided I would take a break and checkup on the news, I like to stay informed. While watching the news I came across this article about a 47 year old Scottish woman who has never been kissed (I just have to say way to go :~) but I hope she gets to do that soon. She has taken care of her mother for awhile. Her mom died two years ago and so she went on the show Britian's Got Talent for her mom and I felt after watching it that I had to share it. She is absolutely amazing I was so impressed :~) but what I wanted to stress is that no matter what people look like and no matter how they dress they are people and we should love everyone no matter what. This woman has an amazing voice but she was judged based on her looks, they thought she wasn't going to do well but how quickly that changed when she started singing. So watch it and you will be amazed as well. (sorry they wont let me put the video on her so you have to go to youtube)

This also made me think. As I go about my business from day to day I wonder why we as humans forget that others humans are like us they have feelings, emotions there people just like you and me. For some weird reason we treat them as objects in our way, we are all very selfish sometimes. I do it to sometimes don't get me wrong I have to stop and go whoa that wasn't right but I try to remember when I walk by someone or come in contact with people that they are just like me, just trying to make it and should be treated as I would want to be treated. I also like to remember just like this Scottish woman if you never get to know them you never know how they could change your life or you theirs or what amazing talents they have hidden.

Sorry now I will quit being so preachy I know but I couldn't help it. Next post should be a little funnier I promise :~) Also I just have to say how amazing this Susan Boyle is and she is an inspiration to me cuz it shows no matter how old you are you can make your dreams come true :~) and that makes me very very happy.


Becca said...

Thank you so much for this post. You're absolutely right - truly inspiring. Thank you for such a keen reminder to hold back judgment and just love unconditionally.

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