Thursday, June 18, 2009

What Happens When the Lights Go Out????

Well it's not what you think. There was no handsome man with impecible pectorial muscles or a six pack trying to seduce me in my living room. I know I know you're all hoping for some Harlequin Romance Novel love scene to be portrayed here on my blog but alas that is not the case. That only happens in my dreams.... oops well... er um maybe that is a little TMI but hey I'm single let a girl have her dreams.

Anyways, back to the topic at hand so what happens when the lights go out...... a Panty FIASCO. It all happened last week when a pole caught fire near my new upgraded fabulous apartment with a dishwasher (I haven't had one for two years I never knew how much I would miss it, I will never ever live without one again). I just moved in like four days before the said power outage and had not hooked up my washing machine yet. BIG MISTAKE because I only had three pair of panties due to the fact that my mother helped me pack. She hid them pretty well so I had not been able to locate my um other stash of panties. I was also wearing the last of the three pair I had so I was in a real bad bind.

My dad was nice enough to come over and take me to get a hamburger since I was unable to cook anything and no one and I mean no one really wants to eat a raw hotdog and uncooked ramon noodles for dinner no matter how hungry you are. Afterwards I thought since he was there I would have him hook up my washing machine since my friend/upstairs neighbor told me the power would be on at 8pm. I thought it would work out great the power would come on and I could you know wash the panties and everything would work out. Yeah Right! Where's my Fairy Godmother when I need her???

Oh wait I don't have one so when 8pm rolled around I went to the kitchen to turn on my lights praying ferverntly that they would come on while crossing my fingers and I flipped the switch, then :~( Nothing, no power I started to get very worried. What a crappy serious of events. For the next two hours at 15 minute intervals I would jump up and go to the light switch praying that they would come on just to be let down each and every single time. Not only that I was walking around a pitch black apartment with my cell phone as a flashlight trying not to trip over the boxes scattered about my house. Of course that ran my battery down on my cell phone and I needed it for my alarm. As the night went on and it got darker I got a little worried and I decided that since I can't do anything that I should go to bed and preserve my cell phone battery but I still had no panties to wear the next day.

I ran through a list of possible options which were: wear the same ones um NO, turn them inside out and wear them again tomorrow um NO, Go Comando um ya that was a No too. Well lets just say they weren't really options for me they were all just things my brothers would do ewwww gross. That left me with only one possible solution to my dilema well you guessed it. That is why at 10:30 at night in a pitch black house with my cell phone propped behind the sink casting a creepy glow over everything I was washing my panties in scolding hot water cursing everything under the sun just so I have a clean pair to wear to work the next day. GRRRRRRRRRRR

I hung them up to dry, plugged in my cell phone, and went to bed praying that one my phone wouldn't die before my alarm woke me up, two my panties would dry, and three that the power would come on before I woke up. I was hoping for a miracle. Again I don't have a Fairy Godmother so of course it didn't all work out but the power came on and my alarm clock woke me up. BUT my panties did not dry. Can I tell you how annoying it is to go to all that work for them not to dry and that Yes I did have to blow dry my panties that morning as I was trying to get to work. I feel like the world hates me. It does it really does!


JessicaTye said...

You call your upstairs neighbor and have a part-tay! What else are you gonna do?

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